Wednesday, December 27, 2006 ›
7:23 PM
Damn the earthquake. Now internet is damn screwy.Gah, I can't go to msn, maybe I should try again later, but yeah, DAMN THE EARTHQUAKE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Now I realise how important internet is to our lives, without it we'll all rot and die, totally.
Anyway lol, I watched FFVII Advent Children for the 8th time today, how cool's that.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 ›
9:23 PM
Today I went out to go bowling with benedict,zongyang,kelvin and junyuan. Lol, we played 3 games altogether and I got one of the games free. Because, lol, I won a bet with benedict, he said he would pwn me in bowling and he didn't (: lol I mean we aren't like super pro, but at least I won benedict, actually , our scores were shit, but I still beat him heh.Yay I pwn.
Then we went to eat lunch and then we all, except kelvin, went to Zongyang's house.I altered his blogskin a little to make the text box bigger and centrualize(sp?I know my spelling sucks) it.
My puny scores:
86Oooh and we saw a few 'ar-liens' at the lane beside us. Lol, one of them pwNZ lol, at the 5th frame she was still 0. Cool huh.
Anyway I wanna thank all my teachers for the past 6 years in maris stella.
(With the exception of Ms T.)
And I wanna tell them that they have really done a great job,caring and nurturing us.
(With the exception of Ms T.)
They were really passionate, teaching us like it was more than just a job.
(With the exception of Ms T.)
Although some teachers were really fierce they had a reason for that, because if the teachers weren't that fierce I might not have even done my homework and stuff.
(With the exception of Ms T. She was actually getting angry for not much reason)
Anyway, this particular Ms T. actually taught me for 4 years, too bad I'm an ungrateful student.
Sunday, December 24, 2006 ›
9:52 PM
Argh, gonna miss my school friends loads, LOADS. I probably still don't feel anything because it still seems like this is just a normal holiday, and I'm gonna see my friends again when school reopens.Yesterday I went to the last ever class party, talked to some friends that are closer to me, and ate bbq-ed stuff.Laughed at all those n00bs one last time and
HOLY FUCK , PINGXI's THUMB GOT CRUSHED ! THE FLESH FUCKING CAME OUT ! I called him when I reached home but no one answered, so the next day he called back and he told me that the finger needed 5 stitches and there was bone fracture. It's fucking painful, don't laugh. He accidently put his hand at the 'lift-the-small-lil-log' exercise corner thing , and kelvin released it. It wasn't kelvin's fault or anything it was a pure accident, probably. Sad sad guy, super accident prone, he has stitches everywhere already, now another one.
It was actually pretty boring, and my maths and english teacher went too. Only thing was this swing which seat was super near the floor, and
Kelvin could swing it till it was 90 degrees to the ground, kind of scary if you ask me.
I just really wanna thank all my friends, because without them, I would've died a long time ago. I also realised I didn't really know some of them that well until just recently, which seems sad that I just got to know them now we're all separating, gah, depressing crap.
I guess I changed too, pretty much.
Lol, okay look at this.
Damn it lol your gay.
Lol I'm not, you're so lame.
You're lamER.
Then you're lamerER.
Lol I mean like you're so lame for saying I'm lamerER.
Fucking lamo.
Gah, shut up, anyway you're the real gay.
Lol, as you see the above conversation is damn freaking lame.
See the fucking problem with the word 'lame' ?
The word lame is lame.
After awhile it gets freaking weird, and everything can become lame.
Lol, I couldn't sleep at 3 am, so I tidied up my room, see how bored I am.
Friday, December 22, 2006 ›
4:15 PM
Went to NUSHS today, bought stuff, and my father decided to buy the tablet PC for me,sweet.And
she was so dumb.
Her stupidity caused herself to be irritated and she scolded me.What the fuck ? She let me try the second smallest pants and they didn't fit.So I asked her to be quick and tick the box which was the smallest size because my dad was in the queue.So she raised her voice and said how would you know that it would fit ? What the fuck. Even if it doesn't fit, there isn't a smaller size already, so why the fuck try and find the smallest size from that pile of pants. Use your brain. If your intellect level is that low i don't blame you, but scolding me because you're dumb, its just retarded, like you.
Damn,i'm fucking pissed. |
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 ›
4:33 PM
Yesterday, I went out with Ernest again, he's gonna modify his car one last time into the last stage, turbo stage. He's gonna collect the car next tuesday, but i can't go along because i'll be going bowling with some n00bs.(HAHAHA BENEDICT !)Went for piano lessons today,lol i wanted to wake up at 9 to do my theory homework, but instead i woke up at 11.30am :I did it rather quickly, finished it in half an hour.Then went for lessons, did sight reading for the whole song(o.O)and was able to play it ok.So took taxi back and here I am hitting the keyboard.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 ›
12:31 AM
This is the 3rd night(in a row) I'm not gonna sleep with air-conditioning.Yay, I pwn, I mean like how many people can sleep without air-con?(ALOT.But who cares, at least I WIN those who sleep with it.)Gah, went to play badminton again, my elbow is like totally shattered :\ When I hold on to my elbow and bend it I can like feel stuff inside moving 'abnormally'.I can't fully straighten my whole arm now, acutally i can but it'll hurt like
HELL.Okay so I'm gonna follow Ernest tomorrow to the car modifier d00ds to get his car repaired, I think i crashed and the turning got problem la, so sorry.
(Btw, Ernest is the owner of that remote controlled car in previous post, he tagged as 'driftkid' lol.)
Saturday, December 16, 2006 ›
9:40 PM
Lol today i woke up at 12 and ate lunch,then I started playing games on my computer.I'm super bored but i really hope school will never start lol.My friend smsed me to go meet him to play with his remote controlled car.(Which i would be posting pics of afterwards)It costs $50 for the basic thing,but he modified his car to make it faster, and did countless repairs, changed batteries, added LED lights to the cover and bought new battery chargers.It costed him like $300 altogether and that is very screwed up.He keeps asking me to buy one too, but considering that I'm gonna become secondary one next year,I would become very busy, so I'd rather not.But his car is super cool and fast.And hes so kind, he let me play even though i was afraid it would crash lol.He treat me to a $2 bubble tea thingy and half a chocolate waffle.(which the other half he ate)He's a kind guy, though he hates small little retarded dudes on bicycles trying to crash his car. Lol.
Okay, here are the pics of his car.

With cover.

Without cover
5:55 PM
Hi my name is yuanhan and i cut my hair yesterday.Now it looks like shit.
12:54 AM
Friday, December 15, 2006 ›
5:22 PM
I sincerely apologise to the guy that tagged.
And, if you can like tell me who you really are, that'd be the best.
So, please tell me who you are, i'll apologise to you in person if I ever see you.
So, why hide behind 'anon'? I'm not crazy,
I won't and can't come after you to harm you.
Oh, and I haven't failed anything so, your feeling was wrong.
Die bitches.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 ›
5:01 PM
Lessons today was crappish again, logical thinking and shit,
lol hella easy because I already learnt the FUCKING HARD one.
Bored. |
Monday, December 11, 2006 ›
3:14 PM
Erm, no Ler Yee , I'm not going to do that survey thing.Gah, I'm frustrated why IE keeps killing itself for no reason, Firefox pwnt the shit out of it.Totally.Maths Olympiad lessons? I mean like WTF. I told my mum already, I'm secondary one next year, these things WON'T help.Okay, so I thought it was over, until this day my dad said that I had to go for it,apparently because my mom said so.And i arrived there, guess what, I was one of the two P6 students in that class.Anyway , the lessons taught the students how to do calculations faster, but wouldn't help at all since next year I'm gonna be secondary one, which would be full of algebraric equations and shit, so adding and subtracting would be
USELESS.The other stuff that they taught, I've already learnt in school.So scrap that shit, and listen to me next time.
To add on the the oncoming shit,SHE has to talk to me.
Saturday, December 09, 2006 ›
3:10 PM
Okay, I got bored and did stupid stuff like this:

Zomfg ! Its teh evil cat ! I bet your mom wouldn't allow you to get near that.

Err, Spontaneous combustion ? Maybe the person 'Lol-ed' too much.

Transforms to

Okay... That was weird.
I guess the boredom overwhelmed my mind and now, I'm probably crazy.

2:47 PM
Hello ! As you can see I changed my blog's skin !
I wanted a wider area for the blog posts,so I chose this blogskin,
comment on it please ! |
Friday, December 08, 2006 ›
5:38 PM
Okay, so classmates and people that know me from school,
always asks, ' Why do you wear a jacket everywhere, its so warm !'
I mean they can all like die or something i'll write all the good stuff about why wearing a jacket is good.
Anyway my jacket is
blue in colour and I like it,
And no, it doesn't make me look 'cool' but at least it looks nicer than the uniform.
So here we go, advantages of wearing a jacket in school:
-You get to keep more warmth than other people, HA! It means I have more heat energy, I win !
-If you wear it all the time, people will get used to seeing you around in a blue jacket, you're easier to spot, and if you're trying to run away,
take it off people will still try and look out for this blue dude.(especially from evil teachers that want you to carry stuff for them !)
-If you wear it all the time,people won't really question why you wear your jacket after a while,
that means if you forget to bring your badge or smth, you wear the jacket to hide it !(and people still won't question,teachers too haha i beat them once again !)
-As mentioned earlier, it sure does look better than school uniform.
-Keeps you warm too, on rainy,cold days.
-You can put it over your bag and prevent your books from getting wet.
-Trains you not to sweat so much.
-Acts as a 'sedative' hahaha, if you run around, the heat will kill you,
so you stay still most of the time.
See ! There are so damn many advantages, so don't think I'm dumb !(because I'm not,I'm retarded, hahahahaha !)
Lets all hope none of my classmates betray me by telling my english teacher my blog, if that happens, i'll never dare to step into maris stella ever again :x |
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 ›
11:18 PM
or anything.I make it clear here that if I visit your myspace, blog, friendster everyday or smth, doesn't make me obsessed with you.I'm probably obsessed with lil soft toys or smth, but I don't think I'm mad enough to be obsessed to someone. (Omg contradiction! I am obsessed with soft toys, and they are 'something'.Damn!)
I am obsessed with the people below:
See ! Theres no one ! So don't doubt me.
Going out to everyone that I know:Please don't say that I'm obsessed to something, it makes me feel that I am extra retarded for a while.
9:29 PM
There are things that I really hope I can do during the holidays, these are a few of them:
-Reading my brother's sec 4 A maths textbook and try to understand as much as possible
-Reading my brother's sec 4 Chemistry textbook thing
-Do my music theory and practise piano everyday(its kinda impossible because im not really motivated at all)
-Drink less
Green Tea(gah its probably addictive, I can't stop)
Lol, quoted from zonyang and changed abit, ' Wasabi is not Green Tea Ice-Cream'.
-Stop leaving rubbish in my room for a week and let mould grow on them.-
SLP.(I really can't and I have no idea why)-Not
dying.(of boredom)
Aaand quite alot more.
These are the things I want to be able to do next year:
-Freaking get used to
Green pants.(and the green isn't normal green, its weirdishly weird green)
-Transform fully into a nerd to blend in to the surroundings.(Its already 92% complete )
-Get a weird habit of some sort.Like weird talking or weird way to hold a pen/pencil.
-Become phat.(Due to the lack of playing badminton because I'm gonna become a nerd.
-Try hard, very hard to pay attention in class, because I don't think my parents would be able to teach me things i don't understand in school annymore starting next year.
-Take bus home with this guy that isn't really a nerd.(He's cool, but he slowed down my transformation by 3%)
dying.-Getting more
pocket money, heh heh heh.
Kinda got a few more but I can't seem to remember them.
And Ty Ler Yee for fixing my blogger time thing,
I didn't really understand when u tagged,sorry.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 ›
10:40 PM
Yes ! I'm finally back.I shall try posting stuff without leaving a line at every comma or something like that.Instead, I'm going to use punctuation marks, and type coherently.( HOW THE HELL DO U SPELL THAT ?!)I'm back from Western Australia and I brought stuff back for people.Soft toys.I really do not know what to buy for people, its too darn confusing for a 12 year old like me.So, the trip was enjoyable, I didn't like go to an amusement park or anything, I just went sight-seeing around Western Australia.Okay, and I want to say that if I mention your names in my blog posts, and you don't feel comfortable,I'm sorry I wrote your name in the first place.(LOL BENEDICT, I DON'T CARE EVEN IF U SAY SOMETHING.I'LL STILL MAKE FUN OF YOU.)I just want to say that if I mention your names in my blog posts you are either important to me, or i just want to make fun of you.Lol.And even if i don't mention your names in my blog posts, it doesn't mean you are not important to me.I also bought this styrofoam like soft boomerang that flies around 1.5m and then return to you.It's kind of dumb, but who cares. Lastly,
I know
I am retarded
at times,
and sometimes
even when
I'm posting stuff on my
So please don't
blame me if
I seem retarded to you
through my blog,
because I don't
think I will
bother at all.Wow, that was random.
Saturday, December 02, 2006 ›
8:37 PM
I'm in australia now and i feel retarded,(as always)
I paid $12 singaporean dollars just for 2 hours if internet surfing.
And the internet speed sucks too.-.-'
Everythings real cool in australia, except for the flies.
ASK THE FLIES TO FUCK OFF MANYeah, the flies are retarded.TOTALLY.
They are there just to toture humans.They don't even attempt to land on the food,
they just keep fricking buzzing around ur head for funThey're super slow too.
They respond 5 times slower than singapore's flies.
The toilets are super clean, too.
If i talked about where i went this post would be so long, it could go to the sun and come back.
So i shall not talk about the tour at all.
Btw, Happy Birthday colleen.
I shall write stuff super small so my parents can't read.(as they are long sighted)
don't bother reading this if it pisses you off, leen lets go out some time so i can get you a birthday present, though it'll be a little late,but it'll be better than the present never reaching you.SMALL FONTS ARE FUN, BYE ! |