Wednesday, January 31, 2007 ›
9:03 PM
So. If you are a guy and you are sick in the head, join cheerleading !
And if you are a girl and want to be molested , join cheerleading !
Guy join cheerleading = molest girls
Girl join cheerleading = Get molested by guys.
Anyway. I seriously find that dove( ? ) commercial thing damn irritating.
They're just stating the facts !
She thinks she's fat.(Because she is.)
She hates her curly hair.(Because it makes her ugliER.)
She thinks shes ugly.(No, shes FUGLY.)
Dad's jokes LoL.
What do you call a deer that can't see.
No idea !What do you call a deer that can't see and is not moving.
Still no idea !What do you call a deer that can't see, is not moving and has just been stepped on by a giant ?
Sunday, January 28, 2007 ›
8:53 PM

(My) God.

A box of (my) gods.
Saturday, January 27, 2007 ›
1:57 AM
Haven't blogged in a long long time. So much to talk about, no idea where to start.
Okay.. I guess I'll start with some stuff about my parents.
I don't hate/dislike my parents, or rather, I'm not supposed to. I mean I can see all that they've given me, and also all the things they helped me in. Although they set a certain standard for me, that standard is always achievable, and they don't give me much pressure. They let me choose what I want, and didn't force me into schools like HCI and stuff. But I am sorry, I have no idea why I still shout at them, and disrespect them, after all the things they've done for me.
I really have no idea.
Friday, after physics there was this stretch of time, which consists of lunch and elective module. I didn't take any electives for semester one, so I had a 2 hour break, all the way to the start of CCA. Well, it was so fun. First, I joined, and smashed Ting Ting, and I said she couldn't even serve the shuttle cross court. She said her racket was screwy and the string was broken, so I suggested that we switched rackets, and we did. BUT. She still couldn't serve cross court. And, I could smash her with her racket. How cool. Then Jun Yi the fatass starts provoking me sayign that i'm short and stuff. So he said, " You're so short how to play badminton.."
Right after that, I smashed him, and he hid behind the girls so I would hit the girls instead of him. So of course I stopped smashing and provoked him back. "You're so fat, how to play sports"
Then he said that I'm short, how can play badminton. So I proved to him that I could. And even with his height he couldn't. He can't even fucking serve over the net, and he starts saying that I'm a noob in badminton. Wtf ? Not making sense is he.
I got so pissed, but Ting Ting was still talking crap. So I said, " Shut up, or I might decide to smash you again." And she didn't shut up, so I did smash her.
After a while, more people left. Leaving esther/candice and me, against Ting Ting and the fatass. So he served, and I smashed. Right into his stomach. But I bet he has so much fats he didn't feel anything.
I also observed, that both the fatass and yuxiang cross their legs the same way, the way that girls cross their legs !
I bet their so fucking gay they don't even have balls thats why they can cross their legs that way. And he dares to call me and Soh Jie gays when we haven't even touched each other 3 times. And even if we did, we were probably trying to hit each other.
The CCA was cool , but I (was) pissed (off) at the start of the training. When I saw the noobs playing I almost vommited blood. I mean I seriously wanted to question the teacher in charge how the fuck they chose who got in and who don't. Its like totally randomly picked. I probably got in because, both my parents forced me to write the achievements, which were the school team stuff. So I got in. But Soh Jie didn't. Before that noobass guy played, I could already tell he couldn't play. He wears the PE attire and tucks in. He pulls his pants so high its at his stomach. He uses a $5 dollar racket. I'm not saying like I'm very rich or anything, but I mean, a $20 dollar racket would be like a thousand time better than that crap. So when he started playing, I knew I was right. So I just sat there staring into space. Then the year 3 captain dude called me to join him,(doubles) against a year 5 guy partnering a year 3 guy. And, the year 5 guy is best in the whole school. We didn't count scores and we just kept on playing. For 4 hours.
So I came home, bathed, took dinner and left for badminton training, again.
I probably didn't make it clear, but I just realised, I miss my primary school days a hell load.
I was in a all boys school. Not that I'm gay and I hate girls, but I'm starting to feel that boys school might be better. Lets list out what I miss.
-Badminton trainings, 3 times a week, sometimes 4.
-During badminton trainings, run for 20 minutes non-stop, if anyone stops, time will be added.
-(insert all the crap we do during training)
-I mean, its real cool, that we kinda all suffer together, and swear at noobs together.
-After trainings, go to my friend's house because I'm too lazy to take bus home.I'll just wait till my parents come.(Mainly Milton's house. Hes a totally cool friend la. He taught me how to cook the other type of instant noodles.(not cup noodles -.-'')
-Playing games with Milton.
-Making Milton feel stupid.
-Looking at Wai Chung point middle finger at the teacher when shes facing the whiteboard.
-Looking at Shiou Ren singing in the class some crap that I don't even understand.
-Complaining to other classmates how we hate our teachers.
-Staying back in school.
-At 6pm and my father haven't come yet, I would feel that I'm the only person in the school and thats cool.
-Dissmissal at 1.15
-Super-irritating-fruit-of-the-spirit-dunno-what assembly talks where its so warm.
-Singing our school song and saying the marist creed everyday.
-Saying prayer right after our marist creed.
-Using those fake ties stuff.
-I really really miss the spirit our team used to have. Its really saddening that everyone has separated, and we can't swear at our coach and get punished like shit anymore.
-Looking at PingXi make weird faces and stuff.
-Lastly, I miss having a Timothy Moey in my class. Its like everyone is a timothy moey in NUS high so its normal.
Its so saddening.
Really saddening.
Well, heres a reward if you read through my whole blog post. Highlight to reveal a sick joke, if not, thanks for reading.
There was a man, who dumped his girlfriend. The father of the girlfriend decided to do something about it.
He waited for the right opportunity when the man was alone, he knocked him unconcious.
When the man woke up, he found a stone on his stomach, and the father of the girlfriend standing infront of the bed hes lying on.
The father of the girlfriend said," Your first punishment is that you have a stone on your stomach."
So the man picked up the stone and threw it out of the window.
The father of the girlfriend spoke again, " Your second punishment is that the your right testicle is tied to the stone."
Hearing that, he dived out of the window trying to save his right testicle.
The father of the girlfriend spoke again, "Your third, and last, punishment is that your left testicle is tied to the bed." |
Monday, January 22, 2007 ›
7:47 PM
Okay, clarification time dudes.
To all 2006 6G people, Nicholas probably has told you crap about me and Yeow Xiang liking the same girl..blah whatever. Erhm, 1 question for you before you decide to IM me on msn and ask
" You have a crush on this girl in your school ? "
Has Nicholas said anything that made sense for the past 2/6 years that we've known him ?
So come on dudes, use your brain, remember who our dicipline mistress used to say ?
Think before you do and do what
the fuck is right. Get it ? GoddammitthesepeoplereallyhavenobrainsmaybethatswhyImstartingtofeelthatImnotevenreally missingthematall.
Sunday, January 21, 2007 ›
10:25 PM
Yay. Today I went out with Kelvin and Milton, both from MSHP last time.
LOL, SCHOOL FOR SCOUNDREL ROX. Go watch it if you can, its damn funny la. Just go catch it lol, I don't want to write about it or else spoil the good stuff for people intending to watch it.
Its so fun, I go cope their food wahahhaha. And thanks alot for the dudes that visited my ePORTFOLIO. Tyty for the comments too.
Lol, lastly, Yu Quan is t3h1337h4xX0rZ with his words. See what I mean ?
Lol, reaed what Yu Quan retaliated Mariel.

w00ts !
Saturday, January 20, 2007 ›
4:44 PM
|  | iPod Linux Video of some of the cool stuff you can put on your iPod if you install Linux on it. |
Lol ! See what i found !
Its some stuff about installing linux on your Ipod nano. Play gameboy games and watch vids on your Ipod nano ! COOL.
Friday, January 19, 2007 ›
10:46 PM
Yay, today, physics was screwed up. Totally I tell you. Okay, so she was trying to explain some crap about law of indices, which we didn't understand. So, I raised my hand and said I didn't understand. So, the teacher tried explaining,with even more cheem stuff that is impossible for us to understand how cool is that. 3 words, HER TEACHING SUCKS.
So, thats how I was mentally totured.
After school, I decided that I would go play badminton and I did, some scary year 5 dude(which means hes at the age of a JC1 dude) wanted me to play with him, so I did. I wouldn't say I got pwned, but hes definitely better than me I guess.(thats not all)
Then, I had badminton training. Nearing the end, we had a mini-competition. 5 points, loser has to do frog jumps around 4 courts. So I pwned 2 guys but lost to this guy thats older than me. So I did from jumps, which made me real tired. So I had to play again, but my legs were dead already, so I lost,again. So I had to do frog jumps,again, which made me even MORE tired, so I lost again when I played. The cycle repeated 3 times.
So, thats how I was physically totured.
I'm so scared I won't wake up tomorrow, I'm so scared I won't wake up forever, too much stress on my body. I'm falling apart. I'm afraid I might become a
vegetarian vegetable. Lol, save me.
Thursday, January 18, 2007 ›
9:56 PM
LOL, practical so cool ! Each person one microscope for bio lesson! Yay, apparantly, i'm on the wanted dead list because of evul ppl O.O
Anyway, lab lesson was cool today, they had so many microscopes and they pwn ! Went for japanese lessons again today, omg la. I almost slept ><
Gah, japanese was so much harder than I though.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 ›
7:58 PM
Okay. So..what I'm gonna say will upset like a few billion people, but I'm still gonna say it anyway.(I'll go into hiding..don't worry you won't be able to find me)
So. Kang Raye likes to be called cute ?! WHAT-THE-FUCK.
Oooh, Kang Raye's sooo cute ! Yuan Han's soooo cute ! WTF LA.
Okay. So luckily I made my point that I hate being called cute, and LUCKILY, they stopped ! Yay.
Not like my freaking primary school teacher O.O OMFGWTF.
So.. How the hell, can someone like being called cute ?! It's like being insulted, god, he must be insane.
Anyway, Intergrated Science is hella fun, and geography is CHEEM. OMGOMGOMG, NO TIME.
Got maths quiz, got jap hmk, got geog. ARHHH.

Sunday, January 14, 2007 ›
7:09 PM
Yay I pwn, now I know how to fold the star already ! Whee !
Check out my star !

I pwn (:
Saturday, January 13, 2007 ›
12:06 PM
I was too lazy to blog or anything the past few days lol. Yesterday, I decided to bring my racket to school, and play during my breaks. At the day of the CCA maze thing, i decided to sign up for badminton, and ever since that day, the seniors has been spreading a rumour that theres a super 1337 badminton player in year one.(Which was me)
I was like' wtf'.I'm like t3h shittiest player in MSHS badminton team la. I got 'famous' after a while and stuff. Random people from NUS high started adding me on their MSN and other random people approached me and asked if I were yuanhan.(Actually that really sucks.)Everyone said I was a pro and stuff when I wasn't AT ALL.Lets all hope they read my blog and find out how shitty I actually am in badminton.And furthermore, some scary shit just happened. And I can't say what.
All the seniors me and my friend approached told us that our physics teacher was crap when we told them her name. Aw well. We got all the experienced teachers for the other subjects, I guess there'll always be good and bad stuff.Lets hope seniors can help me pass physics.
Hahaha I must be crazy, I'm putting in paragraphs for this blog post, hopefully it'll look neater and I'll start putting in 2 finger spaces for every post. Gah, I still have a maths assignment and some report on 3 random cells for bio.
Oh, and did I say we had 4 sciences, its like triple science but added Intergrated science and I dunno whats it for.Our chemistry textbook was supposed to be used by universities la.Lol, and my senior said, that she counted, my maths teacher said 375++ 'okays' in 45 minutes, hahahhaahahah wtf.
Saturday, January 06, 2007 ›
10:51 PM
Thanks alot Nicholas and Yeow Xiang, thanks ALOT. Anyway, I'll find out what I want to by myself so, yeah.
So, today luckily, my parent's called up and said tat they couldn't make it for the synchronos night lol. They wouldn't be seeing me dancing some gay shite.(which I still didn't lol)
'The Amazing NUS Race' One of the stations, we had to dress someone up in newspaper, and guess what, they chose the smallest size dude in the class.(Which fucking was me -.-'')
I tell you, I'm fucking growing, so STFU, n00bs.(I really meant Nicholas and Yeow Xiang)
The whole thing kinda gay anyway, because we had to find stuff and get clues to find more stuff, but in the end we had no time so the PSL just led up right to the stations.
I got my formal attire, but I forgot my tie, so I had to borrow from my friend for the photo-taking.Then at synchronos night, I had to keep hiding from the dude that walked around checking for dudes without ties.
We had to go on the stage to say a class cheer thing, but the boys had to stand infront, and the me without tie would be super obvious, so my friend(Soh Jie) suggested that the girls stood infront instead, the girls agreed steadily and I had no idea why lol.
So at dinner time,
Random Girl:*Buys potato chips*
Random Geek:' Hey can I have some chips ?'
Random Girl:'Why should I give you -.-" '
3 seconds later
Random Girl:'*Looks towards me* 'Want some chips?'
Me: Err, no thanks.
I was like WTF ? Asking me if I wanted chips lol.Kewl.
Anyway, I think the girls are really against the homoes in my class lol.
Friday, January 05, 2007 ›
6:54 PM
Today, we had to do the gayed dance again, and again on Synchronos night. Played some gay games, which one we managed to find a loop hole in, and pwn the game.
Flour+Water=Half liquid half solid thingy
If you hit the thing fast(like a quick jab on it),your find wouldn't be able to go through the surface, making it feel like a solid.But if you let your hand sink slowly down, its like a liquid, like water.
So there was this game where they made a pail of that half liquid half soild thing, and put marbles in it. We had to get the marbles out. So, this gayed guy, took more than a minute and finally found it, because he was using lots of strength, trying to scoop up stuff. I've played with the flour mixture before, so I knew what to do. I just let my hand sink down slowly, and feel for marbles. It's like finding marbles in water if you do it slowly, just feel around and , VIOLA !
A marble.
I took less than like 7 seconds to find a marble for me, and another dude took 5.
Well, that was the only interesting thing, kind of.
Thursday, January 04, 2007 ›
6:50 PM
Today, I was forced to do the
GAYEST thing I would've done.
Luckily, I didn't do it, but it ended up irritating and pissing me off.Okay, what I would've done was, dancing. Yep, dancing. This fucking gayed dance.
Okay, on the first day, people were like,"Eh, you go sit there leh, beside there got girls leh."So I was like,' wtf?!' I mean I thought people only did it when they were like kindergarten one or something they they'll go," eEEEeEeEee, GIRLS."I really didn't expect that even at secondary one, boys would do that. So everytime they said that, I'd taunt them," Oh, you're gay ?"
They'll be like,"Nooo ! You go lar !" So obviously, I'd go. And then laugh at them again later.
Okay, so the ones in blue are boys, and the ones in red are girls.
So, see the two I circled ?
They're exceptionally close to each other, because they're gays !
And notice the big gap between red and blue.
The gap is causd by gays who are unwilling to sit nearer to the girls.
So, for the fucking gayed dance, you had to partner a girl, but obviously those gay people would rather partner their gay partners, so everything would screw up and stuff. It ended up everyone had to partner someone that is of same gender.I have my ego okay, it really prevents me from doing something stupid, or something I deem stupid, or embarrassing.
We fucking had to HOLD HANDS, and do some say actions while holding hands.So, wtf ? The girls obviously had no problems because its understandable even if they did hold hands. But for boys ? No way for me dudes. Well, FOR ME.
I looked back, and saw all those gay dudes, with their gay partners, dancing around like fucking retards.Laughing away.
So what does that proof ? They're fucking gays, as I said.
Well, so this PSL d00d comes along and says," We all know this is gay okay, this song is like for gays la, but just do lar."Me:'' Oh, but, err, I'm not a gay,dude."PSL d00d:" -nothing to say- "So, now, I'm really doubting myself, if I'm in the school that I thought I was in.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007 ›
6:34 PM
" After I really got to know them, they're really cool people too, totally different from I thought they were ! My classmates and I get along very well !" Err. Okay, So thats probably what I kinda suppopsed to say after today,erm. But, my feeling is, actually is, that ,
they're actually 35142 times gayer/noobier/nerdier than I thought ! O.O The food was ultimately crappy too, food was catered for the orientation days.One of my friends,(its actually 'hellguy') vomitted after eating the crap they gave us. I just ate 2 mouths then I was like,' Argh screw this crappy food !'
So now I'm decorating this gayed card this because its some 'buddy' system thing. All my 'buddy' does is talk weird and stuff.Man, I am really wondering how to survive in such a HARSH environment.
Anyway, all I've done today was like getting tours around the place, and getting long talks on the school rules and how the school operates and stuff.
School rules.
Late 3 times= 1 demerit point.
Using vulgar language=1 demerit point.
15 demerit poins=Expel.
So okay. I say fuck 15 times in front of the teacher, I would be expelled.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 ›
8:55 PM
Hmm, tomorrow, school starts once again. I'll have a week of orientation though, let's all hope I make good use of it and get used to the surroundings.Lol, I watched Night At The Museum today, and it was hella funny.I watched it with Kelvin,because everyone else wasn't free, how sad. For dudes that haven't watched it, you HAVE to. It's frigging nice, and funny.
And, so sadly, I haven't really got over the fact that I'm not gonna see my friends that often anymore.Well, good bye people, we could still go out together or something. Anyway, 2007 is gonna be cool because of all the cool movies.
Transformers ! (Holy shit it actually sucks)
Spiderman 3 !(This one I gotta catch)
Shrek 3 !(I MUST watch this)
TMNT !( If you don't get it, TMNT stands for teenage mutant ninja turtles, LOL.)
and this movie that i can't remember the name of.
Oh well. Seriously you guys(and gals) have to wish me luck.I might die at the new school.
New year's resolution:
1024x7681. Not dying in my new school. Thats all.
Monday, January 01, 2007 ›
2:12 PM
Okai. So, like on 29th dec, my dad and brother left for thailand.So on 28th like 5 of his friends came and err.
Anyways,Ernest, got his car back. Now its turbo stage and, FREAKING FAST ! ZOMFG. Lol, HOWEVER, he's kinda broke now.As you can see, I'm trying to fit in more emotions into my typing. Though it does make me look TWITTISH.(I really don't care.)
So we went to the multi-story carpark tested it out. But the battery life is like so short now, so there are advantages and disadvantages too.Well, hes still not that
'SaStifiED'(lol my parents pronounce it this way) so he wants to get another 12v battery.
Lol, so school's gonna start, first week is some kinda orientation stuff.Wish me luck people, Seriously hope I make it out alive everyday.So right now, I'm like chatting with my mum through msn because she's like downstairs and shes using my father's laptop.
Lol, good luck people, and have a happy new year.
Ps: Sorry, but i won't reply smses that say happy new year or smth like that.