Monday, February 26, 2007 ›
8:25 PM
Gah. Fucking headache. I bet was some kind of optical poison that caused it. Today morning. Swimming lessons. Saw something i really shouldn't have seen. God. Tingting in a swimsuit. ><
I bet Soh Jie got it too. You could see that his eyes turned totally red after the swimming lesson. But mine was a delayed effect. As i saw something more desirable.(God Wtf ?)
After school about 3.45, i went to play table tennis, then for no reason i shouted damn loudy. It was then, the optical poison started to work. Totally blocked out my sense of balance and common sense. Fell down like 3 times afterwards.
Eh, but seriously. It hurts like hell. I kept lying down because of the fact that its painful if i stand or sit. Fell asleep several times too. I will feel dizzy when i bend down, like picking up something from the floor.
Gah. I think i can survive if i actually depend on people to treat me lunch and drinks. :D
Sunday, February 25, 2007 ›
11:18 AM
Lol. So on friday, we had badminton training, which was boring as ever. How i wished the old man wasn't there. I could've played with andre or something if he wasn't there. But he was there, and i had to help train a girl. But it ended up i didn't even know what i was doing. It was like i never went to the lower half of the court at all la. Anyway. I still dislike Jens because of the fact that i dislike Jens. I mean his name is like, Gents. Which is ther toilet, and toilets are full of shit. So Jens is also full of shit, ( pretty obvious isn't it ) and that probably why i dislike him.
Loo-Sah Loo-sah.Okay i don't know why i said that. But. Probably got the idea from the daryl dude. Which went around spamming bunnies on people's eport.
Saturday was real crappy. Went to my father's friend's house. Watched this guy play dota. Watched his sister walk around reading a book. Thats about it.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 ›
1:20 AM
Aw yeah ! Just came back from Tampines mall after watching Ghost Rider. Lol, the movie started at 11pm, ended at around 1. Not bad movie larh. Enjoyed it while it lasted. Had funny parts, scary parts and plain cool parts. ( No emo parts :D)
Today was really nothing much. Just that my mom told me that I wouldn't have time to do any homework on Tuesday(today) as we would be going out the whole day. So I had to rush like mad. Managed to finish quite alot, but left (out) the chinese compo. God, I have no idea how to write la. 'Sui Bi' Dammit.
Relatives(I think ?) came today. Screwed around. Made one of my magnets shatter, anyhow touch my soft toys, tried to pluck out the LAN cable connecting to my tablet,(the one that gives it internet connection) and tried writing on paper with my tablet pen. How screwy.
Food is good, because of the festive season thingy. But going to a totally screwy restaurant sucks. I mean they're lagging. Lagging bad. Its like they have MSN, AIM, YAHOO MESSENGER and IRC thingy on all at the same time. After the shark fin, it took like 20 minutes for the next dish to come, then suddenly every thing came.
----<-----<---<---<---<---<----<----<----<----<----<----<---<---<--<----( Pretty normal.) ---------------------------------<--<----<----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<----- (Fucking lag.) Gah. Gotta finish my math and chinese compo. I got some kweshons wrong for math. Gotta amend. ** Some aliens intercepted our internet and randomly picked out an e-mail. From:
Hieee l0ng tym noh seE lerh w0rhzxs. h0w aRe euu arh ah b0ii ? iie am d0inng finee. Muaii homew0rrk n0wadeyys very eesy 0ne. s0 iee m d0ing finee. XXxXxXXxXXX
XXXxxXxXXxXXxXXxXxxXxxXX$^@%#&^$*^%#$%@$%#@$%$(Aliens instantly deleted the later part of the email. They said that it makes their eyes bleed.)
And so. Thanks to these twits, Aliens did not invade earth. Not only did the email make their eye bleed, they also deemed that earthlings intellect levels are extremely low. They think that humans(as the smartest organism living on earth,) has such low intellect levels that they can't write simple english. So they decided to leave earth alone, as it would be no kick for them even if they did invade earth.
AW YEAH. Its just nice 3.00am now and i finished my CHINESE COMPO :D
Friday, February 16, 2007 ›
10:01 PM
Lol ! I shall try and blog about my day as detailed as possible.
So today, there was celebrations for CNY, just a bunch of concerts and humourous stuff. Dancing was made real crappy because mariel was there, and the orchestra and chinese orchestra was great. Andre's guitar was nice too.
We were supposed to be released at 11, but it dragged to 11.30, and we were rushing to our primary school so we were all fed up as the last 30 minutes were crap. Took a cab there, i paid first to quicken up. Ivan haven't paid me yet.
When we reached, I went to visit Miss Noraisha(P5 science teacher), Mdm Siva(P5 English teacher), Ms Chua(P6 science teacher), Mrs Lim ( P5 and 6 Math teacher) and Ms Ang.(P6 English teacher)
Talked more to Ms Noraisha, Ms Chua and Ms Ang. I only wished the other teachers happy new year and went off. We went to J8 to watch 'Epic Movie' but the tickets were sold out for 2.55's show.(Yeah. It was a blessing in disguise anyway. Me,Kelvin,ZongYang,Benedict and PingXi didn't want the shitload of classmates to watch the show with us anyway. So we faked that we weren't catching the later show and then the others went off. We watched the 5.00pm show.)
For a few moments right after i came out of the cinema, I felt as if i were still P6, watching a movie with my P6 friends. It was hella funny, but lotsa sexual refrences la. Should've been NC16, but luckily it isn't.
After the movie, I went to eat some crappy food with PingXi and Kelvin. Benedict and ZongYang had to go off first. Took a 53 then changed to 81 home. Damn, gotta top up my EZ-link. No more money for a long time already.
Spent quite alot of money today. Crap la. Needa start saving up. Also realised lazy people like me don't bother reading such long blog posts, so i shall not continue typing.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 ›
10:41 PM
Omg, I'm like posting so little nowadays.
Probably, because.
I HAVE A GHEY HAIRCUT. Lol.. Yesterday, the maths test was okay, just some questions a little hard.
IP today ! LOL. DAMN FUNNY LA. We had to make the tallest structure that could hold a tennis ball without collapsing. I'll be posting pics of our crap soon.
Its like. Okay,so hey, lets bundle up the straw, 7 in each bundle.
Okayokay, so 7 in a bundle. Then, okay lets make triangles then stick then together to form a super strong structure. Oh shit ! Cannot la, make square one ! No make triangle !
Berton walks away,
Then we sarted making triangles. EHH WTF SHITTT.
So they started slicing tape into half. Berton comes back. OH Okay.
So we started making triangles. BUT WTH, SO HARD TO STICK THEM TOGETHER LEH HOW. So..
When all geometrical structures fail.
So. Our thingo was so damn flimsy la, (and berton went around stealing people's tape because we didn't have enough) So i got inspiration from the ferris wheel singapore is building la.
The support cable thingos. They connect to the ground to further stabilize the structure. So i did that, and the structure managed to stand la.
So, Later, we tried with a tennis ball, and the structure kept falling la.
We didn't know what to do, but wei tieng and sophie went to put billions of straws on the foundations, which were just 2 triangles lol. So it stood, but was still unstable and we needed lotsa luck la. So when the judges came, he said it must hold for at least 5 seconds. So we counted. And it stood. BUT THEN, THE TEACHER SAID TRY AGAIN. I DIDN'T MEASURE PROPERLY. So we were like wtf la.
But luckily in the end it still stood la. I'll post the pictures when i have time.
We call it, the MIRACLE STRUCTURE.
Monday, February 12, 2007 ›
8:05 PM
(no wait, lets continue with the trend. Ignore the scream of agony.)
Hi my name is yuanhan and i cut my hair today. Now it looks like shit.
(Btw. If you don't see me in school tomorrow, I'd probably be dead, and become the ghost of bad haircut.)
Go see what I blogged on December 16. |
Saturday, February 10, 2007 ›
11:53 PM

The pic is so self explanatory.
Just look at it XD. I did it because tai yu asked me to change my nick kay.
Lotsa people are starting to annoy me in NUS high. Thats sad. Really sad.
And if you haven't noticed, i don't blog much about whats happening in my life, because its all very routine and boring, instead, I blog alot about my thoughts.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 ›
10:17 PM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007 ›
9:11 PM
Yay. Tomorrow's WEDNESDAY. YAY. Anyway.
Tomorrow robotics starts ! Yay. Should be fun. Provided i don't work with retards.
Oh noes. what if i work with retards ! DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Shit la. I got 13.5/30 for ting xie. But luckily my maths quiz was okay.Die.. I'm screwing up chinese.
(no la actually i'm just to lazy to learn the words properly)
No piano lessons today XD
And, my last time friend from learning point is also in the same MOELC class as me.
And then his friend is damn funny la.
Then they were together so funny.
Hwa chong people that are not retarded are either all jokers or friendly people. (:
And he said.
Hwa chong is gay.
So i continued.
RI is gayer.
Gah. Can't stand the people in NUS high. Its a great place. But the people studying there are
Monday, February 05, 2007 ›
9:27 PM
I totally screwed up my chinese spelling la. -.- I only had enough time to write out the words in the first list and i could write out all of them la. But for the second list its damn screwed up. DAMN SCREWED UP LA.
Plus my cell model looks like some kinda plasticine mess. ARGH. SAVE. ME.
Anyway,Lemme list out the days from Monday to Friday.
Best to worst.
1. Wednesdays. Totally no lessons at all la -.-
Only some mentoring session and IP, no studying at all !
Also I bring my tablet to school as theres this super big break there.
2.Fridays. Only got Music and Physics. Study for 3 hours only !
Bring my racket to school. CCA day. Gonna try and beat Andre. I dun care sial.
3.Monday. Got PE as first lesson. Followed by a 2 hour break after PE.
(The 2h can be used to finish unfinished work XD)
4.Thursday is neutral la.Just have jap. Very tiring.
Saturday, February 03, 2007 ›
12:22 PM
At least tell me you're gonna add me la. And act that you dunno my msn and come and ask me.
And not get it from some random people and start adding me -.-"
(N/A for Caitlin)