Saturday, April 28, 2007 ›
8:46 PM
Ar-liens, and Ar-bengs.
(10:36 PM) Yuan Han,: n00b.(10:36 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: O.O
(10:36 PM) Yuan Han,: AND YOU'RE ONE OF THEM NOOB.
(10:36 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: WOW
(10:36 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: You know so much
(10:37 PM) Yuan Han,: Of course. I do research, and is still trying to find a way to make them extinct.(10:37 PM) Yuan Han,: I realised, a shotgun is what i need.
(10:37 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: Dude
(10:37 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: You need 42985634795623460573456897 shotguns then
(10:37 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: They keep spawning
(10:37 PM) Yuan Han,: SHIT. Thats true.
(10:38 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: You better get some 84732568347956 bullet gun
(10:38 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: then take that ^52365244
(10:38 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: Cos they would have multiplied
(10:38 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: n00b
(10:39 PM) Yuan Han,: SHITE. SHITE.Random convo with benedict. Too bored. Nothing to blog about.
(Note : Ar-liens = Aliens. Please don't get me wrong that I'm talking about Ah-lians. :D)10:43 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: I pwn you
(10:45 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: dude
(10:45 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: I'm gonna let you puke
(10:46 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: check out this url
(10:46 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: Go
(10:46 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: Go puke
(10:46 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: At the face and typing
(10:46 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: Laugh
(10:46 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: Laugh the shit outta you
(10:50 PM) Sweet, sweet vic:
(10:50 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: here's another one on the same person
(10:50 PM) Sweet, sweet vic: Try reading the stuff out so you can laugh the shit outta you
The URLs there show one of the alien samples.
Friday, April 27, 2007 ›
9:25 PM
Fuck off. |
Thursday, April 26, 2007 ›
12:35 AM

Create your own Friend Test here |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 ›
12:42 AM

Create your own Friend Test here |
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 ›
2:15 AM
You think you're always right. You think you're so good at everything. You attract so goddamn much attention for who knows what reasons.No dudes. I don't do such shit. Thats super gay. Like, tehsupergaynesszxs.
Huikang, you think you're always right. You're too goddamn assertive.
Heh. You push blame on others when you're wrong ?
Oh well.
So, guess why, Charmaine, Huikang and I were late by half an hour today ?
Well, we decided to meet up and take MRT together since we all live somewhat near each other, in the east. My EZ-link card screwed up, so i had to buy that green-card-thingo. Was thinking which station to alight at, Clementi or Buena Vista. Since i was more familiar with Buena Vista, i chose Buena Vista.
Crossed the road and saw a 198. We missed it. Probably a sign from above that we shouldn't take it. I didn't know anything about 198, and assumed that Huikang knew, since he was the one that said it could go to our school.
So we took 198, stoned in it. Little did he realise that we've already taken it past our school, past alot.
Soon after, he asks me if i knew where the hell we were. So of course i said i didn't know, since i never taken this bus before. And then
he says that he has also never taken this bus before.
WTF ? And you think you can alight at the right place ?
Oh well, so in the end we got off somewhere near Science Centre and took the easy way out, a taxi. And I paid for it.
Note : I also don't use stupid shit such as 'momoren'. Because that would make me seem like such a fat retard.
A reply to my brother's blog. As in, his entire blog.I think language is just a way for us to express ourselves and communicate.
I don't see any beauty in it, though it definitely is important.
I have no need to write essays on my blog.This is me, that is you.
I do it my way, you do it your way. |
Sunday, April 22, 2007 ›
1:46 PM

Lol, he's still the first guy i've seen with such a stupid dp.
Look at our convo then.
~{ Nicholas }~ LeGeNdS oF tHe FuTuRe CoMeS fRoM mYsTeRiEs oF tHe PaSt says:
~{ Nicholas }~ LeGeNdS oF tHe FuTuRe CoMeS fRoM mYsTeRiEs oF tHe PaSt says:
yea?Yuan Han, says:
Err. You got spasms on the caps lock while typing your nick ?~{ Nicholas }~ LeGeNdS oF tHe FuTuRe CoMeS fRoM mYsTeRiEs oF tHe PaSt says:
~{ Nicholas }~ LeGeNdS oF tHe FuTuRe CoMeS fRoM mYsTeRiEs oF tHe PaSt says:
Its a common misconception that such shit is cute. How the hell can that be cute.
If that is cute, you're seriously insulting me everytime you call me 'cute'. Screw you guys.
Saturday, April 21, 2007 ›
8:06 PM

I'm goddamn sure katrina pwns. lol, taken from
her blog.
4:31 PM
2 sentences to start the entry with.
Insignificant people stick with insignificant people.
Insignificant people bother about insignificant things.
Wewtzzorz. Too damn bored these few days.
Friday was fun, lol, no badminton. Walked around the school all the way to 5.30.
Lay on the grass flat, until they ask me to play soccer.. o.o
I CAN'T EVEN FRIGGIN KICK TEH BALL. Zz, i suck at soccer.
I wanna take timings for 100m. I wanna see how fast i run TT.TT
Tied 2 ropes at the fitness corner together and used it as a swing. So fun huh.
Lol, sad, only yuquan and me can use properly :D (Out of the few of us roaming around)
There are 2 sides of the world to me. One side where the people I think are significant, the other side where even if they had died, i wouldn't have much reaction. This is how I think. This is what I am. |
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 ›
11:32 PM
Reasons why I do not wish to link you, daryl.(If you still happen to be reading my crap ;D)
leen says:
leen says:
leen says:
leen says:
leen says:
obviously ripped off from a blog url which I thought was ALREADY the stupidest one ever
leen says:
Guess I thought wrong
Note: "obviously ripped off from a blog url which I thought was ALREADY the stupidest one ever" Wow, shes so smart huh. She's insulting like, me and you at the same time. Wowzzorz.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 ›
6:45 PM
Hi my name is yuanhan and i cut my hair today. Now it looks like shit. |
Monday, April 16, 2007 ›
8:07 PM
28/37 for chem test. 4/10 for math quiz. BUT I'M GLAD THE USUALLY GET 9 or 10 SOH JIE, GOT 3 HAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAA.
And, project time in the com lab = sleeping time zzz.
I feel useless for the geog proj la. I haven't been doing anything. AT ALL.
But who cares,(maybe my groupmates do) but heyhey, they haven't been giving me work to do, or rather, the work they give is siao-ishly hard. So, I shan't bother.
SWIMMING ENDED HAHAHAHAHAHA. Last week was the test.. O.O And i didn't even know. Righttt. At least now i got yet ANOTHER bronze certificate. Wow. I got my first one when i was 4, yes 4. Now clap for meh. ;D
(Blog names that go, Chronicles of my life,
is pro/the pro, z0mfgwTf1337h4Xx0rZ ?! , sucks.)
Note, the zomfg... is my blog name. See how it stands out ?(Okay maybe my blog doesn't suck ;D) |
Sunday, April 15, 2007 ›
9:46 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007 ›
6:42 PM
YuanHan, says:
I. Hate. Brainless. Twits.
YuanHan, says:
Okay sorry, i can omit the word brainless.
Zong Yang says:
Zong Yang says:
YuanHan, says:
Zong Yang says:
repetition is a sign of stupidty.
Zong Yang says:
repetition is a sign of stupidty.
Zong Yang says:
repetition is a sign of stupidty.
YuanHan, says:
LOL. |
Friday, April 13, 2007 ›
9:37 PM
A Math teacher might be someone insignificant in your life. Someone who comes in to give lessons perhaps 3 hours a week. And when that person leaves the classroom, you'd probably treat the person as a stranger. But my math teacher is not. If it were an average teacher, I'd probably fall asleep, since math (to me) isn't something I can enjoy. My math teacher is caring, friendly and somehow, he breaks that student-pupil barrier constantly. Its not like, we don't respect him anymore, though we constantly do forget and talk to him casually like a friend. He'd make a great mentor, i'm sure. And most of all, he plays BADMINTON. LAWL.
Zz, last sentence might've made it seem not serious, but yeah, its true, Mr Lee is a very good teacher, teaching us a subject not everyone enjoys. Sadly. |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 ›
9:39 PM
I had to blog that since he bought me food, and err. He wanted me to blog that. |
Sunday, April 08, 2007 ›
8:19 PM
Wow, i like havent posted in a LOOOONG time...
4 days, very long ?
Thanks to those visitors who posted on my cbox :)
But seriously, i did not force you to come to my blog...
Yeah, thats true. But curiosity killed yuanhan. Always.
Call it fucked up or whatever
Duh ? It is -.O
Call me gay fag or whatever
Lol, Gay fag, FAT.
Could not give a damn
Yeah. I bet you already knew huh ?
I am too angry with another asshole to think about you
Lol, insignificant isn't it. Your quarrells are minor and meaningless all the time.
You think your blog is not fucked up?
Yep, mine pwns yours.
Just because it has more visitors than mine
Err, glad that you know that.
you think yours is NOT fucked up and mine is
Yeah, not that i THINK its not fucked up, it IS not fucked up.
if you think you are not gay, apparently you are
I think i'm not gay, sure.
sucking up the cool people,
and shucking away all your "used" friends
Example. COME ON ! Give me an example. ;D
seriously, go think about it
Think about ?
by the way, you have a serious attitude prob
Oh oh oh, sure. And you don't, you seriously should start being less fat.
Lolol, the above might not have been aimed at me, but aw heck, its like surveys. Its fun doing them.
Now you've seen that above, high light the thing, and read. Happy reading. |
12:28 AM
Gahh. The concert sucked, bad. Or maybe just that i really don't know how to appreciate this kinda music. Its too calm and slow O.O
Lol, side effects of listening to power metal. And speaking about power metal, DRAGONFORCE.
Lol, they're coming to singapore, like wth.
I wanna catch it, but people might start trampling on me since i'm so small sized. >.O
Argh who cares. I'm gonna go and i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go. Okay enough.
Bleah. And lol, thanks zongyang for saying my blog rocks, and i'm sure it does. (LOL EGO.)
Just kidding. Not.
;D |
Friday, April 06, 2007 ›
8:33 PM
Lol, haven't blogged in like. 9 days. Thankyou thankyou, i know i'm pro.
Somehow, i just got too damn lazy, and nothing much happened too anyway.
Lol, thanks people for your continuous tags, i figured i should keep this damned blog alive.
Oh well, these few days was okay, these were what happened,
1)I figured out that whoever cut her wrist was damn dumb, because obviously the person had no intention to die. She cut her skin, ONLY. Like wth, at least cut a vein or artery. Nobody really gives a shit if you're emo or not, i also can cut my skin, infact i cut my skin both purposely and accidently before, for fun. Zomfg, i'm sadistic.(broken glass pieces are fun to hold.) -.-
2)Solved conflicts that were actually pretty brainless, i swear i didn't cause the conflicts, not dumb enough.
3)Screwed up the IS proj AGAIN. Argh who cares, next week's gonna be teh ace.
4)Realised my dad actually reads and DIGESTS what i write here. :D
HI DAD. x)
5) Realised that playing badminton with tiong warms me up well, actually, very well. I can start playing properly already, Yay.
6)Gotta make people stop calling me cute, maybe wear a mask. And not smile, and be emo. EMO. wtf. CAITLIN'S NOT OBSESSED WITH ME LA, COME ON. ITS OBVIOUS DUDES. -.-
Yeah, thats about it. Or maybe not :D
Edit : There used to be something here, but i decided to take it off, so if you've already seen it then good for you, if not. Err. Saad.
This is the thing that used to be there. |