Friday, June 29, 2007 ›
10:39 PM
To start off this post, I'll start with a convo that took place during youth day celebrations.
Well, TingTing was wearing a belt, that was
loose. So I went over, and asked.
"May I know what a belt is for ?"
She replied,"A random accessory ?"
WOW. Thanks for enlightening me.
Anyways. Youth Day celebrations were. Erm.
Water balloons day ? Yeah, pretty much so. Because that's probably the only thing that I did.
I bet he really enjoyed himself, throwing water balloons at other's you know where.
And, 101's the only class that didn't have a games stall. Woots ! 101 pwnz.
After dismissal, I went to JEC to eat, wanted to watch transformers but all the mfkinretards couldn't. So we didn't and I went to yuquan's house. TO SLEEP AND DO CHEM.
Came home and ate cup noodles for dinner.
Sunday, June 24, 2007 ›
8:40 PM
Err. Mixed feeling about school reopening ?
NO WAY DOOD. Heh, school just sucks and I don't wanna go back.
6:18 PM
Oh something reminded me.
Hi my name is yuanhan and I cut my hair on Friday. Now I look like shit.
Saturday, June 23, 2007 ›
1:52 PM

About that picture. If you wanna know who's blog its from go ask on msn. I don't wanna say it here. Anyway, "SuckerFish" is me. Yeah.
So firstly, the term "suckerfish" is a name of a fish which parasites on marine animals. Sharks, whales etc. The name of the fish which probably eats shit isn't "suckerfish". So, no, I don't eat nor suck shit.
Secondly, why isn't he full of shit ? I mean, look how he behaves. "Ooh. I'm all high and mighty and I can hit anyone that looks unappealing to me." Example ? Go ask Charmaine. His badminton is shit, so is everything else of his. He
is shit after all.
(Note. My badminton isn't all that good either. Just that his really is shit, but he acts as if its super good or something like that.)
Thirdly, even if i were a suckerfish, I would've digested the shit and turned it to energy to live. Not like a toilet. It stores shit and transport it to the treatment plant or where ever it goes to.
So, a toilet is full of shit, while a supposedly "suckerfish" would be full of energy.
Thats why I pwn, and Jens don't.
Friday, June 22, 2007 ›
8:57 PM
Today, I woke up at 10am. Confirmed some stuff with zongyang, and watched oceans 13 at 2.30. Mom held me back so I was late a bit. Lol, kelvin was even later so. Yeaaaaaaaah. Watched
Oceans 13 with kelvn, jarrett and zongyang. Was surprised that jarrett made it. w00ts. It rocked. Funny and the stuff they did was really smart. After the movie, we walked around and went to LongJohnSilverz. Ate "dinner" there. Haven't eaten anything else afterwards.(Edit. I didn't publish this post before I ate cup noodles at 11.)
Now that i'm writing again, I didn't publish this at all. Everything above this sentence was written on friday. Oh well.

A preview of my next blogpost. LOL.
Thursday, June 21, 2007 ›
10:17 PM
Today, I woke up at 7, went to school. Only to find that there were P4s running around in every corner. And the hall was occupied. The badminton training was cancelled, and I knew nothing about it. In school, I then smsed a few people to ask why they're not here. Apparently, they didn't know that there wasn't training and was just pure slacking. Moral of the story ? Slack = Good.
I don't even know why I still hung around in school afterwards. I went to the canteen after a while and found Ivan and a few other dudes there. They were the dudes in charge of the food. Isn't that just a perfect job for Ivan ? And thanks for the frozen green tea. Good stuff.
Around 10+ I decided to leave school and go to bedok, where I would buy the drinks I was supposed to buy and eat lunch. Who knew that the drinks were more than I could handle. 5 bottles of 1.5 litres of drinks. It'll weigh about 8-9kg, since the drinks are supposed to be heavier than what water would've weighed. My hand suffered like crap until the girls finally turn up. Zz.
They took a taxi while, I had to take a bus. So sad that they could squeeze 5 people in a taxi. If they couldn't, they might've considered 2 taxis.
Kept on chilling in East Coast. Wouldn't say that the bbq was a failure lol. It was fun. But i'm lazy to elaborate too much. Wen Xiang's a funny guy. I should unblock him. Hmm, lol.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 ›
11:31 PM
Today, I woke up at 10.30. I was supposed to be leaving my house for berton's house at that time. So, I quickly got up, bathed, ate the rice dumpling(breakfast) as fast as I could and then left. AMK bus interchange easily pwns the others, but then, its design can easily allow others to cut queue to go into the bus. -.-
After I met berton and went to his house, we started on building the pieces of crap. I won't elaborate on that, waste of time. His family members are kinda weird too. >.<
At 2.30pm+ I left his house and took a bus back to AMK. Then took mrt to bishan. Went to J8 for lunch. Ate KFC, I still can't find the difference between "Miso Crunch" and the normal one. (As in the taste.) Although that was probably the first time I finished a KFC meal, it was also because I was hungry la. I waited for zongyang for quite a while, constantly walking about in J8 while waiting. After that, I went to his house to chill. I also received the uber-uber-belated-birthday-presents. Thanks for the presents. :D
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 ›
5:19 PM
"Maybe someone with photoshop can do it ?" YES. I HAVE PHOTOSHOP THATS WHY I COULD DO IT. AWH YEAH.
I pretty much changed the colour myself. :\
(Thanks kat for helping in photoshop, and justin for changing the colour of the fonts. :P couldn't find them myself.)
12:26 PM
Yep. I changed my blogskin. Lets hope this will prolong the life of my blog at least a little.New URL ? Nah. Lets stick with this weird, no meaning, make-me-look-geek URL.
I like the skin quite alot. Just that if all the green is converted to blue it'll pwn. Maybe someone with photoshop can do that ? No ? Oh nevermind. XD
Monday, June 18, 2007 ›
4:13 PM
In response to my previous post, actually, Chinese characters are worse. An independent Chinese character itself is ALREADY a symbol. So.. Chunks of it will be a lot worse that chunks of English text. What am I exactly saying here ?
And I'm pretty darn sure. Because I'm doing one now.
Sunday, June 17, 2007 ›
6:06 PM
The reason why I don't usually blog chunks of stuff is because, when people(Including myself) see chunks of text, it immediately changes into symbols that humans cannot comprehend. Unless you break each symbol apart and examine it carefully, you won't be able to know what it means. Only certain people with enough patience can do that.
However, if there is proper paragraphing, chunks usually suddenly seem neater and shorter. I don't usually even do paragraphing, because I don't blog chunks of text. :D
So. Chunks of text = I'M NOT GONNA READ
Lala, I'm quite sure no one bothers if I don't read, but its that 90% of people won't read too.
Thursday, June 14, 2007 ›
10:41 PM
Stranger Danger. Falalala.
I'm bored. Went out with sohjie today after badminton training in school. Mr sun was trying to teach me wrong stuff for badminton. He asks me to concentrate while he continues blabbering on about crap. Saying that i'm hitting to the wrong places and stuff. So I play with Luke. The score goes to 7-11, I'm losing. Mr Sun finally decides to stfu, and then. The score changes to 15-11.
Yay, I win. Oh well. Luke probably wasn't playing well too, he didn't get a break in between two matches. :X
After badminton training, I changed to the polo tee, then went to Jurong East. At first Sohjie and I wanted to go to JEC, however. I was reminded of something and I decided to go to Choa Chu Kang instead. The theatre there sucked bad. Blaring speakers -.-
At his house, I decided to check out wtf dotA is. Got pwned by sohjie and he got a monsterkill ?
Something like that. Then I logged on to msn, did some shit, and decided to play cs with him. 21 deaths 2 kills. Yay, I pwn eh ? Almost every death was a headshot. Sohjie is skEEled.
This post sucked again. It was long and boring. Stop reading, no one likes long posts.
Actually, it wasn't long at all. But it was full of unnecessary crap info.
Friday, June 08, 2007 ›
10:56 PM
Woots, look around. Ohmygodz0rzz. A new post ! Wow.
If you didn't see me online on msn for the past 3 days or so. It's because I went to sohjie's house to
SLEEPOVER. Yep, sleepover. With pyq. Woohoo. We sure had fun gaying. Went to watch "Men in White", it was some funny shit, but then I had to refer to the subtitles frequently as. Err. I almost totally don't understand those Chinese dialects. These words continue to ring in my head.
"LAO SAI, LAU SAI."Yeah, go watch the show. Then you'll understand. Now I've got a new idol. :D
But sadly, we didn't watch shrek 3.
So you ask, what'd we do at sohjie's house ?
Nothing much actually. It was just fun having a friend next to you, when you're not in school.
(X-BOX, GUNZ, WoW, CS, Half-Life, MOVIEZ.)
No one's probably reading my blog but I don't care. However, I want readers to visit this blog,
Please, tell me if my blog or that blog is a better read.
Sometimes when I play FPS games, after I killed someone, he'll go like, " OMG I'M RELOADING DUDE !"
But then, think about it, is it that only your gun needs reloading ? Yeah so I'm h4x0rz-ing so I'll have infinite bullets.
Sadly, I don't have enough memory space to remember what happened throughout the whole stay, so I can't blog about it. Seriously, do you really see me blogging those stuff. -.O ?