Monday, August 27, 2007 ›
10:17 PM
4th day my wallet is missing. Anyone saw it ? Call or sms me ty. (White billabong.)
Sunday, August 26, 2007 ›
4:09 PM
Anyone who saw my wallet please tell me thank you. It disappeared, gah.
Thursday, August 23, 2007 ›
9:08 PM
A cloud of despair rains over my fucking piano. It's rotting, decomposing with every passing minute. Its lightning strikes my piano and it burst into flames, only ashes remains, just like my dreams. I just realised how sucky I actually am and, yeah, it is impossible for me to pass my grade 5 piano exam. Even if I somehow managed to master all 3 exam pieces, my aural, sight-reading and scales would screw the whole thing up.
This is fucking retarded. I don't exactly know why I've started to use vulgarities again, but I can't help it, there isn't any better words to describe this situation.
The first paragraph sounds retarded and I bet there were wrong usages of words, but who the fuck cares. At least I tried. I should go find a new good friend that has crappy results. So I don't have to keep feeling stupid when Soh Jie gets his tests/quizzes back.
And no, I wouldn't exactly say that my history is good. (My first quiz was screwed and the WWII assignment was screwed too.)
I'm tired and I wanna sleep. Meeeeep.
Saturday, August 18, 2007 ›
5:25 PM
Haloscan is up. Click on the "Comment" button below every post to comment on -the post-. To talk about irrelevant crap, use the tagboard. No, I'm not removing my tagboard. That's all.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 ›
8:56 PM
I am hated
Click here to view picture.Like seriously. Lol, I don't really know who that person is, or if he or she is even referring to me. But hey, wtf is wrong with my hair. I'm like the only year one who got caught for attire test I think. Must be that shorty wanna make live difficult other shorties since he probably got pwned when he was a kid. What an asshole. Why I shouldn't be caught ?
Oh because my hair is that fucking thin. Go look at sourav's hair lol, is it because the way he combs it ? Like a fucking nerdo who parts his hair nicely, even when it's so fucking long. I can't take it man, blogging without vulgarities is like asking me to cut off my own head and then eat it. ( I don't know how I can do that.) THERE WERE SO MANY OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS WITH FUCKING LONG HAIR. SO WHY THE FUCK ME, WHEN THEY WEREN'T CAUGHT TOO. Either I shouldn't be caught, or all of them should be caught too. Like what the fuck man, I just cut my hair not longer than 2 weeks ago. Usually I don't even cut until after a month or something. NOT LIKE JEREMY ANG'S FRINGE IS NOT LONG. Just go use some cheapo gel shit and pushed it up. Or he would've failed the attire check. Eat shit I say. This is called being disrespectful.
Well, I'm saying all this because $10 was wasted for no real reason.
That felt better.
Thursday, August 09, 2007 ›
1:06 PM

Taken from tingting's blog. I was bored, so I went to vivian lau's blog to see what I can insult her with, and I saw her quoting that chunk there. Yay, I get nice stuff to blog about now.
Well, this is to Vivian. You quoted the whole chunk, and somewhere in there, it writes.
"You post this kind of thing, can write properly or not ? People can't read leh."
Uhh. I don't see you typing properly, so you're trying to say that you suck as well. Hmm.
I wouldn't say that the way tingting types is incoherent, but hey, where's your capital letters and apostrophes. And, you've never been in the "popular gang" and you've never wanted to be in it ? Oh really ? Well, you're pretty much popular now aren't you. I would assume you're in the "retarded gang" since the clique you're in consists of all the retards from the whole of year ones. I swear, even if you wanted to be in a "popular gang" you'd never make it. Anyway, what even defines a "popular gang". I can call your clique popular too, omg !
People walk past, look around, and see your clique. "LOL IT'S THOSE RETARDS AGAIN HAHAHAHA." My, aren't you popular.
About the despo girls, is it irony or are you just insulting yourself. You're like despo and yet you dare say such stuff ?
Why are females the weaker sex ? Because they are weaker. Lol.
What makes you think there are less female scientists anyway, and does having more male scientists make females weaker ? I don't think so. Bad example, boo-hoo. You know what ?
I really meant. Then why do they have heart problems and can't even run 2.4 or take napfa. Aw, it's not your fault, really. It's just because females are weaker.
Pwned, woo. Laser eyes ftw.
12:32 AM
I really feel guilty when I look at statcounter. I really think that it's weird how people still visit my blog although it's quite obvious I'm not gonna update. It's like. *mouse over link* "Hmm, I don't think he updated, bleh let's go some other guy's blog." I mean, sure it doesn't take much effort to hit the link and press "back" 3 seconds later but most people don't even bother clicking the link. So yeah, I'm asking you. YES YOU/(You here refers to anyone reading, not a specific person.) Why do you click on the link. Nope, I'm not gonna have interesting content for a long time, plus I've even had thoughts of leaving this blog to rot. The problem is either.
1. Life has been too perfect I've got nothing to blog about.(Since I always blog about things I'm not happy about.)
2. I'm too busy being a lazy sloth.
You decide. ;D
Sunday, August 05, 2007 ›
5:40 PM
I'm bored. I'm doing maths. Everything has been boring. This is a post to tell people I'm still alive. Damn, bye.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007 ›
7:07 PM
Did my chemistry test today, since I was absent when everyone took it. All I can say is that it's screwed badly and I should have at least read the question. -.-
The big problem with Wednesdays is that, it is so slack that we don't get anything done. Sadly.
105 is the distraction ! Rah. AND YUQUAN COME ON ADMIT IT, YOU CAN'T DO 60 SIT UPS IN A MINUTE. :D
Life's so boring and mundane now that I've really got nothing to blog about.
Just hope my grandfather gets better soon.