Friday, September 28, 2007 ›
11:13 PM
I don't believe in religions. I don't like to think there's something that created us. It is not so wonderful how 'god' created us and put us on this earth. And it isn't wonderful and amazing how he put us on a special planet which supports life. All that is wrong. We purely exist because the conditions were right and we just sprang out. If Mars suddenly had water and everything required, it'll start to support life too. Why ? God put living creatures there ? I don't think so.
Conditions right -> Life.
And not.
Life created together with a planet that supports life.
Evolution makes perfect sense. Creatures slowly changing to be more perfect.
If humans were created by god, I bet he'd be really sad. It'll be like a experiment gone wrong for him. He would think. Hey look, bears have great strength and stuff, they can hunt and kill stuff. Rabbits can reproduce quickly to ensure that their kind don't disappear from the surface of earth when hunted by predators. Dogs have great sense of hearing and smell. Cats can see in the dark. Bats have ultrasonic thingies and can navigate in dark, while flying and being a mammal. Cheetahs can run extremely fast to catch prey.
So he'd be thinking, hey why not I make a totally defenseless and weak creature, but give it great intelligence. So, he made humans. They're weak. They're blind in the dark. They can't run fast enough to hunt properly, or escape. Neither can they kill animals bigger than them. It'll be like a creature made to die, but with the added intelligence, he wanted to see what they could do.
So, these humans started inventing things and making things. Soon endangering all live on earth, something god created, because of pollution and sport. Killing other animals for fun, and killing so much to an extent that they go extinct. Destroying the ozone layer. Causing oil spills and endangering marine life.
Thinking they're the perfect being, the most powerful creature on earth.Wouldn't you think. OH MY MYSELF, WHAT HAVE I DONE. They're endangering my other creations ! Ooh what the. They're praying to me ? Asking me to help them ? WHAT. YOU'RE CAUSING PROBLEMS FOR ME AND YOU WANT ME TO HELP SOLVE YOURS ? Zz.
*Daos humans.*
That's why so many humans still die of hunger and there are still wars going on.
Some foolish people even go "Thank you god for giving me such great friends."
Why do you thank something that might not even exist, or be responsible for your friends ? Use some common sense, thank your friends themselves instead !
I have a feeling, this thing called a 'religion' was created mostly because people was not able to explain what they experienced or saw, so they held god responsible. I think that this religion thing was created by people who had the thinking that it would unite people and prevent them from doing bad deeds as they would think someone would be watching them, would punish them.
But religions caused wars, suffering to people and discrimination. The strict rules people had to follow or else they were exiled didn't make sense. They could die if they broke rules, when it was supposed to help them live better when believed in the first place ? It's brainwashing the people of today, making them think something is responsible for things. Don't take the risk of praying to something that's non-existent, instead, know that you have responsible for whatever is happening to you in one way or another. Praying won't solve your problems, you wanting to solve it will. Unless you're were born a retard,(If god exists, why does this happen. A hurdle for them ? They can't even talk, for fuck's sake.)I'm sure you can solve your own problems, don't depend on something that might not even exist.
Of course, lots of people will start disagreeing, but well, this is what I think. You can think in your own way, and continue to be brainwashed deeper, and if you're really against what I'm saying, you're not even using your brain anymore, you've been brainwashed to the max. Don't waste your life away, instead, get down and solve problems head on.
(Yes, there are still stuff I haven't totally finished addressing and can be doubted, I'll talk about those in another post. I'll end here for now.)
Monday, September 24, 2007 ›
8:22 PM
Jaevaleens rock. Cool as hell
And oh shit. I realised I forgot to change the abbreviation of assignment to the full word. I left is as "ass". Oops.
I think i'll just add some coolshit quotes of the day for every post now. Hmm.
This one was from quite a long time ago.. BUT :D
你小心我叫 'YuXiang' 让你早点当妈妈!

(Guess who's that.)
Saturday, September 22, 2007 ›
5:06 PM
My words are worthless.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 ›
8:01 PM
%$#@$#@! ATTIRE CHECK. Either cut hair tomorrow or fail it. Hmm.
I feel sad every time I compare my blogstats with my brother. His ones never ever go below 30, yet mine rarely even goes above. :/
Oh well.. I mean, how can I expect people to visit when all I do is rant about my blogstats.
Edit : I've cut my hair now, doesn't look that bad, just worrying about the attire check.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 ›
8:24 PM
Chemistry practicals are always so fun, just that I have to wear those stupid protective glasses that makes me dizzy. Other than that, it just so happens that every practical we do has a following lab report. They attempt to mask the amount of sadness we have to go through afterwards. It's like eating bitter gourd with a thin coating of sugar. Pro-shEEts are often able to tell whats beneath the coating without even eating it, however, even after identification, WE STILL HAVE TO EAT IT. So that's that.
Monday, September 17, 2007 ›
9:54 PM
"Dr yong."
-No reply-
"Dr yong !"
-No reply-
-No reply-
"Ms yong.."
"Yes ?"
.. :D
OMGWTFBBQ ?! She got phd. Wow congrats. (And became the HOD. Wtf ?!)
Dr Ng.. Where's she.
Thursday, September 13, 2007 ›
8:10 PM
YO. LOL MADE YOGURT TODAY FOR MICROBIO. Gonna go check tomorrow if it's edible or not.. hmm. Derek rocks at Macromedia flash. Well actually, he rocks at drawing, so naturally his flash movies would rock. (Given a tablet pc + talent, that is.)
His 2nd flash movie was real cool, put a part screwed up because of dunno what. He got pissed and we psycho-ed him to make another one. :D
He's working on his 3rd one now, I was sleeping (and probably snoring away) while he worked on it. Lol I realised although lessons are longer and everything, breaks are longer too, lots of free time as well, or I wouldn't be blogging now. (English test tomorrow. Zz.)
Sohjie took his chem test today. Everyone seems so screwed but in the end we'll see who's the one who really screws up. I have ran out of things to blog about.. Someone give me a topic.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 ›
8:47 PM
yuanhan. says:
benedict. says:
yuanhan. says:
You wanna know why mainstream sucks ?
benedict. says:
benedict. says:
I think its nice..
yuanhan. says:
I thought about it for 3 seconds and realised.
benedict. says:
You can't change meh
yuanhan. says:
Like 3 seconds ago.
Lol.. Conversations with Benedict are just fun.
Lucidity has been constantly evading me.
Saturday, September 08, 2007 ›
5:34 PM
Definition of bored provided by yh. (I bet you feel the same way.)
I don't wanna do stuff I'm supposed to do, and I don't have something that's appealing to me to do.
Thursday, September 06, 2007 ›
5:35 PM
Definition of cute : "- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Meet the new Windows Live™ Messenger Concierge Agent! Add to your Contact List and learn about all the fun stuff you can do in Messenger plus more!
Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here --->
Inflected forms: cut·er, cut·est 1. Delightfully pretty or dainty. 2. Obviously contrived to charm; precious: "[He] mugs so ferociously he kills the humor--it's an insufferably cute performance" (David Ansen). 3. Shrewd; clever.
Type "more" to see the rest of the definition for "cute."
>>> To get information about using my dictionary, type "dictionary help."
yuanhan. says:
- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Definition for "cute" continued:
Short for acute.
Other forms
cute'ly adv.cute'ness n.
Word history
Cute is a good example of how a shortened form of a word can take on a life of its own, developing a sense that dissociates it from the longer word from which it was derived. Cute was originally a shortened form of acute in the sense "keenly perceptive or discerning, shrewd." In this sense cute is first recorded in a dictionary published in 1731. Probably cute came to be used as a term of approbation for things demonstrating acuteness, and so it went on to develop its own sense of "pretty, fetching," first recorded with reference to "gals" in 1838.
>>> Type my zip code is and the five digits to let me know where you are.
Nowhere does it says cute means uglyl but adorable. I really don't know where that term come from. So if you're trying to insult me with the word cute, FAIL. In fact, there's a meaning of "pretty". So screw off.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007 ›
11:16 PM
Went to watch Ratatouille. Then went bowling. Then went to Benedict's house.
Took bus home afterwards. Reached home at 11.
This is exactly why I don't blog about what happens, instead I blog about what I think. I think alot more. :D (Alot for a human with no brain.)
Saturday, September 01, 2007 ›
1:18 PM
Because you speak more Chinese than English noob.
y miie engliish soo bad
Because twits don't have good English.
Why am I not good at English ?
Because you're Yuan Han.
Zz. I'm so bored. The retarded Bird Park trip sucked. They could've just held everything in the school auditorium, which has air-con and a canteen below it. Stupid shit. And Yu Quan has so fucking much money, why take my wallet, take his omfg. He has like $70 dollars in his wallet for god's sake. (I just realised my wallet's always together with my handphone, and my handphone's not missing. Either someone took my wallet and didn't want my phone, or I dropped my wallet somewhere. If you saw it better return to me -.- )