Friday, March 28, 2008 ›
9:53 PM
Today is my birthday. Yay.
Happy birthday to me. Thanks for the presents. I don't think I'll give anyone presents because I'm broke and I'm a lazy bastard. Now go away lulz.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 ›
9:23 PM
A not so scary 3d figure with a really scary name.
8:30 PM
I switched on the iPod and selected a random artist. Played the songs while I slept on the car. Sleeping with earphones in your ears playing music is a mysteriously cool thing. Especially after you wake up you wouldn't know what in the world happened, nor would you know where you are, how much time has passed. :D
Just realised doing little jumps just about everywhere tires your legs out quite quickly actually. Wonder how's the 207's history project coming along. You'll see that Sohjie and I were featured in their videos, mainly because we're really nice people and it's really fun. :D
Oh and on Tuesday, I saw a 'friend' that I haven't seen in a long time. It's been so long that I totally have no connection whatsoever with the badminton people, those badminton people that actually go for tournaments and shit like that. Sigh.
(Yes I do have amazing memory, when I use it properly.) -.-
I won't even start about the exams.
Monday, March 24, 2008 ›
8:09 PM
So many things I want accomplished, yet I don't have time for anything.
There are some things, I'd want done quicker.
There are some other things, if I don't get it done, I'd get screwed.
(Lol my dad can still scrap 2 pullups. Rockz0r.)
Monday, March 17, 2008 ›
8:24 PM
Blog fixed ? I dunno. Looks fixed to me.
I'm a lazy bastard. Even after 'fixing' this shit, I might not decide to blog anyways. Bye.